• Professions


  • Contact Hours

    8 CEUs/CCUs

  • State Approvals

    Multi-State, See Below

  • Course Format

    Self Study / Web Based

  • Course Access

    6 Months, Unlimited

  • Printer Friendly

    Course Manual & CE Certificate

Course Description

Yoga is a vast system of Integrated Exercise with potential for both positive and negative outcomes. Ever wonder why some people benefit greatly while others are susceptible to injury? Whether you’re helping someone return to a public class or using yoga as a rehab tool in your facility, you can assist your patients in recognizing what specific poses to target, avoid or modify depending on their specific complaint. In this online course, you’ll learn to identify specific movement and postural patterns in your patients and in many common yoga poses that will confidently guide you in your recommendations. Differentiated poses are generally safer and more beneficial than Global poses; you’ll learn to recognize the distinction with any pose/exercise and have a solid rationale for your subsequent suggestions. Topics include:

  • Low back pain & pelvic balancing
  • Protection of the delicate neck & shoulder joints 
  • Thoracic mobilization/strengthening & scapular stabilization 
  • Knee alignment & foot pronation control 


Emerging rehab principles of Regional Interdependence and Specific Motor Control Exercise (SMCE) are presented and reconciled with common yoga themes. In this fun and thought-provoking course, we’ve combined 3.5 hours of reading material with 4.5 hours of high-quality recorded movement videos. You don’t need to be a pretzel to participate!


Physical Therapist, Author & Instructor

I started my physical therapy career in the early 1980’s. Yes, I've been around awhile! Growing up as a movement junkie, I enjoyed games, sports and martial arts. I went to PT school hoping to learn about movement. I learned lots of great stuff in my rehab training, but learning about how the body moves or how to get a body to move better was not one of them. For this, I had to venture outside traditional rehab sources. I have studied the Feldenkrais Method, T’ai Chi, Yoga and Qi Gong over the last 30 years, and have incorporated elements of these movement systems into my PT practice. Learning and utilizing these systems opened my eyes to the unintentional mistakes and erroneous assumptions seen in much of both rehab related and fitness related exercise. I knew I wasn't alone in my search so I started teaching continuing education courses to rehab professionals in 1999 hoping to share this knowledge with my colleagues. I've written 2 books: A Manual Therapists' Guide to Movement (book & audio) and Outsmarting Low Back Pain (booklet & video).

Course Outline

    1. Introduction & The Basics

    1. Regional Themes & Stafety Precautions

    2. Chapter 2: Quiz

    1. Background & Purpose

    2. Brief History of Yoga

    3. Chapter 3: Quiz

    1. Topics, Applications & Relative Flexibility

    2. Language of Integration & Low Back Pain

    3. Low Back Pain Types & Characteristics

    4. Pelvic Control & First Lab Session

    5. Chapter 4: Quiz

    1. Thoracic Influences on the Neck & Low Back

    2. Applying Constraints & Second Lab Session

    3. Chapter 5: Quiz

    1. Pelvic Rotation & Pelvic Force Couples

    2. Attentional Focus & Third Lab Session

    3. Chapter 6: Quiz

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 8 hours - CEUs

Course Objectives

At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define Global & Differentiated movement/postural relationships and give 5 examples of each in daily life & in common yoga poses.

  • List 3 common hip/pelvic/lumbar biases & recommend appropriate yoga pose modifications that encourages lumbar stabilization & hip mobility/balance.

  • Explain why yoga poses featuring global spinal relationships are Contra-Indicated for many common types of low back & neck pain.

  • Demonstrate 5 yoga poses that encourage thoracic mobility & strength while simultaneously protecting/stabilizing both the neck & low back.

  • List 2 examples each of poses/positions that cue: gleno-humeral/scapular integration & optimization; tripod foot balance; knee over foot alignment & gleno-humeral/forearm rotational differentiation.

  • Explain the rationale for adding Reciprocating Movement & Dynamic Integration elements to common yoga poses.

  • Demonstrate “easy” modifications for all yoga poses presented in course in order to encourage success for all age groups & physical abilities.

CEUs & State Approvals

We Work Hard So You Don't Have To

This 8-hour online course has been approved and/or meets continuing education requirements as noted below.


- Texas Physical Therapy Association

- New Mexico Board of Physical Therapy

Approvals In Other States: 

PT/PTA:  *This course meets the following state board requirements - No pre-approval required: AL, CO, CT, GA, IA, KS, MO, ND (meets requirement for approved units, 10-unit max), NE (10 hr max home study courses), NH, OR (required examination included), SC & WA.

PT/PTA: *Your board accepts courses approved by other state PT Boards/Associations: AK, AZ (Cat A), DC, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, MI, MO, MS, MT (Cat A), NC (10 hr max home study), OR (required examination included), PA, RI, SD, TN (Class 1, 10 hr online max), UT (Cat. II examination included, each hour equals 1.5 CEUs), VA, VT, WI & WY.

OT/OTA:  *This course meets the following state board requirements - NO pre-approval required: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, GA, IA, ID, KS, NE, UT, WA, WV & WY.

*Please note that due to the changing nature of state requirements for continuing education, Therapeutic Movement Seminars suggests you contact your state licensing board or association for the most current information on continuing education, specific rules and regulations. 

Refund Policy

Once the course is purchased and accessed online, there are no refunds available.